Friday, September 10, 2010

Journal #4 Due 9/20/10

If you could do one thing to change the world for the better what would it be and why?


  1. i would help fix houses for people who needed them so they had a place to live. i dont think anybody should be living on the street.

  2. I would hope to build true community, which would require the tearing down of the walls that separate people from understanding, having compassion, and simply caring for each other.

  3. If I could change something, I would change all teh violence around the world. People are always fighting but sometimes the people don't know what they are fighting about.

  4. I like Breanna's thing that she would change.

  5. i would let everybody have a jetpack
    and a baby pet gorilla so they can teach it human ways and have it make them dinner and such

  6. i would help people get clea nwater and food because everyone needs that or theyl die or get sick

  7. i like julians idea because its creative

  8. If i could change anything i would give food to people who cant afford it so they wouldnt starve anymore.

  9. i would help the homeless. they need places to stay and no one is willing to give it to them. So i would help people who are homeless.
    I think that Breanna's idea is a great idea.

  10. I would help people get all the things they need to survive and live a nice life. Not everyone is as fortuanant as others and they deserve to have a nice life just like us.

  11. I agree with Kait, more people should be willing to help others.

  12. I Have to agree with julian on this one!

  13. If i could change the world in one way I would try to stop all the violence. There is to much fighting around the world. We could all stop it.

  14. i would love to find a good cure for cancer, because cancer runs in my family and has killed allot of people i know!

  15. I think I would try to help all the people who dont have daily meals and who need water.

  16. i would change the world by making everybody at least once in their lives volunteer at the home for old people

  17. id stop voiclence. to many people dieing. not good stuff

  18. I agree with Jake with stopping the violence in the world.

  19. If i could change something it would be that everyone would be nice to each other and people would'nt treat people differently because there not like them.

  20. I agree with Elia. I also know people who have died from cancer, so finding a cure would help save so many lives.

  21. i like breanna's idea i agree that nobody should live on the streets

  22. Julian's idea is certainly funny. Gorillas in the kitchen; I like it.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I would make it so no one would be homeless. I would do something with getting money from families with homes to help the homeless. I would have to consider how poor or rich the families with the homes are.

  25. I agree with neil. We need to help out the needy.
