Friday, September 10, 2010

Donahuehistory3fall2010: Journal #5 Due 9/20/10

Donahuehistory3fall2010: Journal #5 Due 9/20/10: "What was the saddest day of your life?"
The saddest day of my life was when my grandpop had died. he passed of heart failure a couple years ago and it was very sad. I really like my grandpop and when he passed it was just such a sad depressing moment in my life.


  1. the saddest day of my life was when my great grandmother died from skin cancer a little over 2 years ago i was really close to her and i tried to spend as much time with as i could when she was dying. And now im really scared because now my great grandfather isnt doing too well and he cant walk so im scared that something will happen overnight and he's 91 years old so i guess its kind of expected.

  2. i relate to frank because it really is hard losing your grandmothers and grandfathers

  3. the saddest day of my life was when my one dog died. she was 19!

  4. i can understand how frank felt but i have never really had anybody really close to me die

  5. I can understand howthat was jess's saddest day loosing a family member is hard :(
