Friday, September 17, 2010

Journal #8 Due 9/22/10

What was your most embarrassing moment?


  1. When my friend came over for the first time he had to meet my whole family, everyone like aunts uncles and my grandparents. also they showed him photos from when i was young. it was really embarrassing.

  2. I can't really remember the most embarrassing moment, but I had an embarassing moment recently. I was at soccer and I was running and all of a sudden I just fell face first and there was no body around me so it wasn't like anyone tripped me. And then the other team got a goal cause my goalie was laughing at me. And Kait, I hate when my parents pull out the baby pictures so that really stinks!

  3. The most embarrassing moment of my life was when i walked into a wall at work and everyone laughed at me.

  4. My most embarresing moment was when i was in fith grade we had a musical and i had a singing part and my voice cracked in front of the entire school.

  5. I agree with kaitlyn it would be embarresing to walk into a wall.

  6. An embrassing time was when I ran into the garage door and I told my mom not to tell anyone and she told everyone at her work. I think Colleen's is really embrassing because I was there and I was embrassed for her.

  7. when ever im skating and i hit a crack or stop rock and fall infront of people.

  8. My most embarrassing moment was when I slipped on a patch of ice and people laughed at me. And colleen, thats pretty embarrassing but your goalie should have paid attention so dont blame yourelf.

  9. The most embarrasing moment in my life was when I was little and I was at my uncle's house. I was walking through the sliding door and thought it was open, but it wasn't so I walked right into the glass door so everyone was there and started laughing.

  10. i cant really remember the most embarrasing but one i do remember was during softball we were practicing and i was batting and my coach pitched thinking i hit it, i started to run the bases thinking it went to the outfield and when i got to home plate, everybody was laughing because it was only a foul. i agree with kaitlyn, it sounds embarrasing to walk into a wall.

  11. I think I would be pretty embarrased if my voice cracked while I was singing like Jake.

  12. my most embarrasing moment was when in kindergarden i was sitting in a chair and i was leaning back and i fell over and started crying and so that was embarrasing because i was in a room with people i really didnt even know. i still remember it like it was yesterday

  13. i know what kait meens cause it happend to me when i went over my friend giuseppes and his whole family is like 100% ittalian

  14. I threw up in the middle of class when I was younger. Everyone was just staring at me and I had to leave the school. People probably thought it was really disgusting.

  15. I once fell in my chair in class like Jess.

  16. When i was like 10 i was at a amusment park and i was on this thing were you stand up on a surf board and the water pushes u back and it knock my bathing suit down in front of everyone

  17. I agree with jesse throwing up in front of everyone must have been emberrassing.

  18. I agree with Jesse. When I was younger I threw up in the middle of class.

  19. My most embarrasing moment was when i walked through my friends screen door not noticeing it. I broke it and had to pay them for it.

  20. I dont have a most embarassing moment, but i walk into walls and doors a lot.

  21. I am a cluz, i am always tripping on stirs and on nothing. Its kinda a said trait to have.

  22. I feel for elia because we have the same problem and it happens to us a lot.

  23. Clutz* Ifeel for you too shauna! it is pretty embarssing always tripping and running in to walls

  24. I do this fairly often, but some of my most embarassing moments are when I answer to a question someone did not ask. (E.g. "Hey John." "Yeah, I'm good... wait a minute.")

  25. Colleen, it was the goalie's fault on the scored goal, so don't beat yourself up about it. But that does have to be a letdown.

  26. I threw up in the middle of class in 7th grade, although it wasn't my fault because i asked the teacher if i could go to the nurse (there was about 5 minutes left of class) and she said can it wait? well i guess it could'nt.

  27. The same thing happened to me jesse i know what it was like,
