Friday, September 10, 2010

Donahuehistory3fall2010: Journal #4 Due 9/20/10

Donahuehistory3fall2010: Journal #4 Due 9/20/10: "If you could do one thing to change the world for the better what would it be and why?"
I would introduce a new system of liveing. The non care system, everything will be free and everyone will be happy with eachother. this will not happen though because there are way to many people who are willing to kill eachother.


  1. I would make it so no one could go to war. That way everyone would be happier. No one would die from other people.

  2. I sort of agree with frank causeeeee making everything free would make the world happier and better. But i dont think its very realistic. Not everyone would want to do that.

  3. I think if i could do one thing to change the wold it would be that everyone had a place to sllep everynight and food everyday.

  4. If I could change one thing it would be for no more poverty in third world countries. Id want this because theres so many children out there in need of food and clothing. I think kyles idea of having no war is good.

  5. if i could change the world for the better i would certainly make sure that there was no violence going on in the world

  6. i think brooke's idea of having no more poverty in third world countries is a good idea espically in haiti

  7. i would give everybody enough money to buy any car they wanted

  8. i agree with kyle. their should be no war

  9. If i could do one thing to change the world, i would stop animal cruelty.

  10. I agree with jess i wish we could stop violence.
