Friday, September 10, 2010

Journal #5 Due 9/20/10

What was the saddest day of your life?


  1. One of the saddest days of my life when when my Grandpop died. I was really young when it happened so it was tough on me. I saw how sad every one else in my family was which made it even harder.

  2. The saddest day of my life was when my brother accidentally killed my guinea pig. it was really sad because we had to watch it die.

  3. i can kinda feel shauna's pain becuase i had a hamster who died the second day i got it. the saddest day of my life was when my parents got divorced. i was little and i thought it was my fault.

  4. The saddest day of my life was when we had to put my dog down. I was little so I didnt understand what they were doing to him when they put the needle in. A week later I got a new puppy. I agree with colleen that it was tough being so young.

  5. I had 2 chinese dwarf hamsters and one of my hamsters ate the other one, i was little so i got mad at the hamster who ate the other hamster so i threw it in the pool and it died. :( Sad day

  6. The saddest day of my life is when I had to put down my two year old dog, Buddy. He barely got to live at all, and he should have been alive for ten to twelve more years. The breeder mix-breed their puppies so the puppies came out with problems.

  7. I agree with Brooke because it's hard to let go of a pet.

  8. The saddest day of my life was when my brand new yellow lab puppy got hit by a car after school. =(

  9. It is somewhat personal, but I told Mr. Donahue, so hopefully he will have some sympathy and let me slide on this one. Trust me, it was not a good day.

  10. the saddest day of my life is when we had to put my one cat down to sleep

  11. the saddest day of my life was when my grandfather died

  12. i agree with jeff that would be a very sad day. i would probably cry.

  13. My saddest day was when I have to put my dog down. We had him for my whole life it was a huge change. I can agree with anyone who lost a pet.

  14. The saddest day of my life is when i killed my guine pig. I agree with everyone who lost a pet, its sad

  15. the saddest day of my life was when my first cat died from cancer

  16. i agree with kait and how sad it would be losing a pet you had your whole life

  17. The saddest day in my life was when my grandpa past away.

  18. if u liked it so much whyed u kill it jake

  19. i agree with jess loosing a pet is hard

  20. My sadesr day was when my dog died. it happened 2 years ago. i had him since i was like 4 year old

  21. The saddest day of my life was when I had to put my dog to sleep.

  22. I agree with Kait because she had a same situation as me to

  23. Most people seem to have experienced a death of some kind of pet as their saddest day. Sorry for all of you.

  24. The saddest day of my life was when my grandma was sent to the hospital. It was when I was younger and I didn't really know what was going on. She is still alive but I didn't konw how serious it was then.

  25. I agree with everyone who lost a pet. I have a dog and I've had him since I was 2 years old. It would be so sad if he died.

  26. The saddest day in my life was when pet guine pig. I only had it for a few days then it just died.
