Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Donahuehistory3fall2010: Journal #3 Due 9/15/10

Donahuehistory3fall2010: Journal #3 Due 9/15/10: "How is freedom interpreted differently today than in the 1700's?"
The is more of it but still it is a lot different. Freedom is all around us with people doing different things but back in the 1700's freedom was more of just a thought then it was a actuall thing.


  1. i think that freedom is interpreted differently because people celebrate freedom in all sorts of different ways like people now have picnics whereas people in the 1700s probably didn't really know or realize how important and significant that it was.

  2. i agree with frank about the part that says freedom is all around us with people doing different things

  3. I agree with julian we dont haveslaves anymore and ppl now have alot more freedom.
