Thursday, September 30, 2010

Journal #11 Due 10/5/10

If you could spend one day with someone from history who would it be? Why?


  1. i would spend my day with Rosa Parks because i would want to see how she felt when she didnt give up her seat for a white person on a black and white bus.

  2. I would spend the day with Thomas Jefferson. I would ask him why he put some of the things in the constitution. Also I would like to how they lived back then.

  3. Iwould spend my dad with james dean.Iwould spend it with him because i think he is an icon. I would want to see the life he lived.I agree with jess itwould be cool to spend a day with rosa parks

  4. I would spend the day with George Washington. I would ask him why he refused to become the king. Many people would have forgotten why they came to america and took the power. I agree with Jess that would be a cool day

  5. If I could spend a day with someone from history I woul spend it with Abraham Lincoln becase he was one of the most important presidents and I fin him such an interesting person. I also agree with Jes because I would like to have lunch with Rosa Parks.

  6. I would spend my day with George Washington. I would want to see how he ran the country because he was the first president and didn't have anyone to learn from. I agree with Jesse because I would want to see how they lived back then.

  7. i would spend a day with john wooden. greatest collage basketball coach of all time. spending a day with Thomas jeffereson would be cool to

  8. I thnk i would want ot meet with Eli Wiesel, because i thnk the holocaust was a really bad time in history and some people seem to forget that.I am really interested in learing about the holocaust, and i think that by metting eli, he would have a lot of interesting stroys to tell both sad and good ones.

  9. I agree with Nick because he had a good point on how he was the first President and he had no one to look off of.

  10. I agree with Nick on wanting to spend the day with George Washington. It would we cool to see how much different people were back then to how people are now. And also just how the world has changed. And it would be interesting to hear his thoughts of being the first president.

  11. I agree with elia i would want to meet eli wiesel because i love learning about the holocaust and i think itd would be interesting to meet him

  12. I would want to spend a day with George Washington becuae i think he is a reall neat guy and hes won of the founding fathers.

  13. I agree wit hjess i think spending a day with Rosa Parks would be really neat.

  14. i would want to spend a day with Abraham lincoln. he was one of the best presidents and it would be neat to see him and learn what it was like to be a president.

  15. i agree with elia that would be cool to meet eli and see his point of view from the holocaust

  16. I am stuck between two people. A day with either Eric Liddell or William Shakespeare would be a day well spent for me. I would love to hear about Liddell's missionary work in China and also what it was like to break the world record for the 400 meter dash in the 1920s. As for Shakespeare, I would enjoy asking him about questions that are raised by his conspiracy theories.

  17. I agree with Jesse, and his interest in learning about why Thomas Jefferson added what he did in the Constitution.

  18. If i could spend a day with anyone from history it would probably have to be Teddy rosevelt. I really like him and he was also always active so i dont think there would be one boring moment

    Sadly, i would have to disagree with john, i think william shakespeare would be very boring to hang with all day.
