Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Journal #7 Due 9/21/10

Have Americans forgotten about Sept. 11th?


  1. i don't think that americans forgot sept. 11th because we all remember the tragedies. Those that had family die or that knew somebody significant probably remember it the most. but i would say that not as many people take as much time to have a moment of silence because people either forget or they are too busy to.

  2. no i don't think that people have forgoten about it, i know that it is not as bad at the day it happened or ther year after. i dont think that people are just going to forget about it. and i agree with jess

  3. I don't think that people forgot about it, but I do think that we could put more time in remembering what happened and all the families that struggle daily with this. And I agree with both Kait and Jess, people think they are too busy to take a moment of silence.

  4. I don't think people have forgotten Sept. 11th but i think we have forgotten the real meaning. People have forgotten how the tragity affected our counry, because everyone is worried about the economy and there families.

  5. i dont think we have because i have been starting to notice that they have been introducing it to social studys books and putting more about it in them

  6. I don't think that people have forgotten about the day, I think it was always be with them. I agree with Kait.

  7. I dont think people have forgotten about it. There are still many memorials for it on Sept 11th. Plus there is a moment of silence every year. I agree with Jess

  8. I dont think anyone has forgotten about it because every year we celebrate and honor this day and I agree with Jess.

  9. i agree with kaitlyn because i dont think people have forgotten the date but i know some people have forgotten the real meaning of it.

  10. I think most americans remember Sept. 11. It was a tragedy and some americans might've had family that was killed in the incident. Others might be remembering it because they are fighting with our troops or help out our troops.

  11. Neil has a good point in that there is a moment of silence every year.

  12. no i do not think that Americans are forgeting sept. 11, i dont think many people can because of how tradgic it was. i agree with jess.

  13. I think that it has not been forgotten for some, but for others i think they no longer remember that day. For the families that suffered loss on that they then it seems like it was yesterday. But for people who it had no affect to or who might of not cared about it as much then i think they probably have forgoten

    I agree with neil. There are memorials everywhere dedicated to that day so i think that people would definatly have a hard time forgetting about it.

  14. I dont think that Americans have forgotten about 9/11 and i dont think they ever will

  15. I dont think that they have because people who live in new york are constantly reminded of the inciddent, and they are starting to put it in school text books. Teaching it as a bad day in history.On 9.11 some schools take a moment of scilence in remeberace of that day, and all of the people that were killed or injuried.

  16. I don't think Americans have forgotten it because it is talked about every year.

  17. i dont think it has been forgotten but i think ppl have let it go i mean it was a horrible day in american history and i think ppl should pay more attention than just paying their respects one day of the year.

  18. I feel that it is a yearly deal. People probably do not pay as much attention to it during the year as they do on the actual day. (Although, with this past ordeal concerning the mosque, many probably overlooked it.)

  19. I think Jess made a good point about having a moment of silence, and actually using it to reflect on what happened.

  20. I think that we haven't forgotten about it, we just forgot the real meaning about it. and about the daily struggles families had to deal with.
