Friday, September 10, 2010

Journal #6 Due 9/20/10

What does it mean to be an immigrant?


  1. An immigrant is a person that has left there counrty to move to a another counrty. Immigrants are usually poor when coming into a new country because it costs a lot of money to move. Immigrants has to pass a test in order to become a US citizen.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. An immigrant is someone who has left their country to live in the united states. To be a citizen you have to take a test

  4. I think an immigrant is someone who travels to a different country. Most immigrants move so they can have a better life. Abby is correct that immigrants have to pass a test in order to become a US citizen. Some immigrants come to America illegally.

  5. i agree with abbey. an immigrant is someone who has left there country to move to another one.

  6. I disagree with Abbey Sautter because i dont think every imigrant is poor. think that most are actually somewhat wealthy and just are poor when they come to the new country.

  7. I disagree with abbey because not every immigrant is poor.

  8. all immigrants aren't poor is my opinion. there may be some that are poor but other ones can also have a lot of money.

  9. I think an immagrant is someone who moves from one country to another. They might move because of the government or religious reasons. They want to go somewhere where they can be free and can be happy.

  10. An immagrant is someone who has left their own country to come to another one.

  11. To be an immigrant, one has to migrate from his original homeland to a country that is foreign to him with a plan of living there - whether temporarily or permanently.

  12. an immigrant is someone who moves from one country into another to make their lives better.

  13. i agree with john on what an immigrant is

  14. I agree with everyone who said that they have to take a test when coming to a new country, since that is true.

  15. i think that is anyone who starts a life in a new country. They move for all differnt reasons. they just want to have a new start. I agree that all immagrants arent poor.

  16. A immagrent is someone who moves from one country to another to get a better life. I disagree that all immagrents are poor

  17. To be an immigrant you have to come over from another country.

  18. an immagrant comes from people not registered for the US. immagrants arent poor so they come here for a better life.

  19. i agree with anyone who says immagrants come from different countrys

  20. I like jesse's definition of immigrants

  21. It means for someone else in another country who now lives in a different country.

  22. I think abbey gaved a good definition

  23. its a person who came from another contry. alot of them are illegal these days

  24. Although basic, I agree with Kaitlyn. Her statement is accurate above all.

  25. I agree with Joe on how he said that a lot of immagrants are illegal now a days.

  26. its when soeone from another country comes to a different counrty to live.

  27. An immigrant is someone who came from another country in search of something better.

  28. It is someone who goes to a different country for a better life.
